Who We Are

About Us

Employment Connect Hub began out of the desire to contribute to the community employment issues, just as the community is fedup of searching for jobs in ways they do not understand over the years.

Although originally from a larger market, we the proprietor realizes the need in the Nigerian community for a personnel agency that fills a void left by other temporary and permanent placement agencies.

Employment Connect Hub matches specifically skilled and unskilled workers with suitable clients, saving businesses time and money, and making sure the references are properly vetted and finance arranged, while providing possible preferred employees with honour. This requires a high level of integrity and time consuming for the average Nigerian employer.

It means asking openended questions and listening to demands. This also means knowing the local market so Employment Connect Hub can really serve each client and employee the best possible way, and not just “sell” both non compatible staffs to employers.

Employment Connect Hub (ECHub) will provide its client with a best possible quality service. We realise that staff in this part of the world requires being micromanaged, and we have put staff in place to meet up this challenge.

Call 24 Hour Service Available

Not sure what you need, or what it costs? We’re always happy to talk about how we can work together.

Give us a call or reach out using the contact form below — let’s start the conversation.

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What Our Client’s Say

Walt Disney

” The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. “

By Chinua Achebe

” And theories are no more than fictions which help us to make sense of experience and which are subject to disconfirmation when their explanations are no longer adequate. “

By Mrs Folorunsho Alakija

” You need to believe in your dream. Don’t give up when things get tough, just hang in there, stay focused and be patient. “

Meet Our Team

We Have a Professional Team


Ademola Adeboya


Babatunde Yusuf


Oluwatobi Sogbanmu

Company Secretary & Project Management

Femi Amoo

DevOps and cybersecurity Consultant

Rhoda Akahara

Customer Service (Office Manager)

Abibat Sanni

Administrator (HR Manager)